Site Search: To Filter or Not to Filter?

Let’s be upfront about this: I advocate filtered site search as opposed to free form search, and here’s why.

When it comes to finding things on your website, your customers are either clicking buttons or using a search box. This is true whether you sell cars, cookies, or clothes. Nearly every single person on your website looking for a particular vehicle will either click on the “New” or “Used” buttons that you (hopefully) have in your navigation bar, or they’re mousing over to the search box and manually typing it in.  Continue Reading

Advanced SEO Presentation from Brighton SEO


This week’s Wednesday Workshop video is an awesome one… I was in the UK last month, speaking at one of the biggest SEO conferences in the world. For the first time ever, I did a horror movie theme for the presentation, and it turned out ridiculously awesome.

So, kick back – this week’s video is about 24 minutes long, but it’s packed full of amazing Local SEO tips AND awesome horror movie references…

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