
Website Optimization

5 Things to Optimize on Your Website While You’re Safe at Home

When the world feels out of control, one of the best things you can do is pick a problem you can solve. You get the satisfaction of having fixed something and the utility of whatever it was you fixed. While you’re responsibly staying at home, it’s a good time to look at your website and make certain it’s humming along precisely as you need it to. 

So here are five things that should be optimized so that when this is over, you’ll have the best website possible. 

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Impact of a Custom-Written Landing MRP

We walk around every day with a computer that has access to the bulk of all human knowledge in our pockets. Is it any shock that people want to use it? 95% of consumers research a vehicle purchase online before ever setting foot inside a dealership, and the only thing shocking about that figure is how low it is. Imagine being in the market for a car and not Googling it. That’s weird, right? 

So lean into it. 

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