Feature Friday: Spanish Websites


When native Spanish speakers are one of the fastest growing markets for dealers in North America, sticking to an exclusively English website is not an option. Spanish speakers spend more time online than non-Spanish speakers, and they spend more than five hours of that time shopping online. If you’re not targeting this quickly growing market, you’re doing it wrong.

That’s why DealerOn offers custom Spanish sites for your dealership, and we don’t mean badly-translated blurbs beneath your inventory, but human-translated sites from Native Spanish-speakers that are easy to navigate and understand. All of our Spanish sites follow Google best practices, which means they’re optimized for Spanish search queries.

Make sure your dealership stands out against the completion by catering to this growing market! If you want to start communicating to your Spanish-speaking consumers, read more about Spanish websites here.
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A Special Thanksgiving Message from DealerOn


This week’s Wednesday Workshop is a special Thanksgiving message… We’re so incredibly thankful to all of our customers, friends, and everyone who watches our weekly videos.

We hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving weekend, filled with great food and fun times with family and friends!

Four Things You Should Never Do When Redirecting

Whether you’ve moved your site to a new domain or are testing out a new update, eventually you’re going to have to redirect one of your URLs.  This can either be a simple process, or be the cause of annoying errors and slow load times that frustrate your visitors and increase your bounce rates.

If you want to avoid slowing down your site, keep these four rules in mind and your redirects will have no problem turning things around.
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Feature Friday: eWallet Coupons


When was the last time you brought a wallet full of coupons to your local grocery store? If it was longer than you’re willing to admit, then you’re right on track with the majority of consumers. Physical coupons hand-clipped from a magazine just aren’t used anymore, especially now that everyone has a smart phone with discounts right at their fingertips. Nearly 82% of customers agree that they prefer the ease of digital coupons, and the people who visit your dealership aren’t any different.

DealerOn’s eWallet feature has got you covered. You can offer digital coupons directly to your customers through their smart devices, which can be saved to their phone via Apple Wallet and Android Pay. Highlight your 30% off oil changes or a discount on tires through an easily downloadable coupon that doesn’t require any forms or promo codes, just the click of a button.
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