Responsive web design as a mobile-first strategy has been floating around for a while, and more and more dealer websites are getting on board with it. But there are still a few hesitating to jump on this band wagon, and I think it might have something to do with the myths surrounding RWD.
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It’s a wide, wide web out there, and there are lots of tools and resources you can use to reach your potential new clients, but are you making your site available to them all? If you’re not considering multiple browsers while designing your site, then that’s a definite no.
It’s easy to get caught up in Chrome – which is the most popular browser out there, beating the others by a whooping 44%. But you can’t ignore the well-known Safari or the notorious Internet Explorer, not to mention the countless other browsers available to the users of the world wide web, i.e. everyone. So how do you design with multiple browsers in mind? Keep these basic practices in mind and you’ll be off to a good start.
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For this week’s Wednesday Workshop, we’ve got a special treat! Our VP of Customer Service was visiting the SEO team in Dallas, so I grabbed him and put him on the spot… He shares 4 awesome tips to help dealers online. Watch and learn some simple tips that will help your dealership excel online (and in the future).
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With an upcoming update for the ADA (American with Disabilities Act), let’s take just a few minutes and talk about what this means for website owners. The ADA was signed into law in 1990, and was designed to prevent discrimination against marginalized groups. When you see a ramp next to a set of stairs or sign language interpreter, you’re seeing the effects of this law. What many people don’t know is the ADA’s effect on website accessibility.
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To err is human, and to get an error page is just another part of having a website. We’re all uncomfortably familiar with the 404 error page, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty of other ways you can cause an error on your website, and a few things your visitors can do too. If you find yourself at a loss when trying to decipher an error page, start here with our guide to the most common ones, especially if you’re trying to decide if the problem is due to your site or if it is caused by a visitor’s browser.
Error 404 Not Found
We’ll start off with the notorious 404. Anyone who’s used the Internet has encountered this one. A 404 error occurs when a visitors tries to access a web page or resource that doesn’t exist. The fault could be with either you as the website owner, like if you moved a page without redirecting (we’ve got some tips on that too), or it could from a mistyped URL, which would make it the user’s issue.
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