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6 Ways To Optimize Your Content for Local


Today, we’re going to get a little technical with it. We’re talking about optimizing your website for local signals, and we’ve got 6 specific spots on your website to focus on. If you didn’t know that having a solid Local SEO strategy was crucial to your visibility in the search engines, then you might want to read this article first. And if you’re not sure whether your website even needs SEO to begin with, then check this article out. Continue Reading

Micro-Moments: Get There Early (and bring pics!)

Last week, we talked about Google’s “micro-moments” and how a typical automotive shopper uses their phone or computer to move further in the purchasing funnel. As they learn more about the car they’re interested in, customer research gets more and more detailed. We’ve all heard the Google mantra, “Be there, be useful, and be quick.” But after reading this blog post, you may want to consider getting there early, too. Let’s talk about how showing up early in the online car buyer’s path to purchase (with helpful images & videos) might help you sell more cars.

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Should It Stay or Should It Go? A Guide to What Goes On Your Mobile Site


5 Things That Don’t Go On Your Mobile Site (and 5 Things that Do)

If you’ve been living under a rock, then you might not know that people are starting to use their mobile devices for browsing websites more than they use their desktops. That’s right, all that information and data, shrunk down onto a tiny phone or tablet screen. But mobile and desktop platforms aren’t interchangeable, and there are certain site elements that convert well on desktop, but not on mobile. In fact, there are things you should probably never put on your mobile site. Lucky for you, that’s what this post is all about! Continue Reading

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