Micro-Moments: Get There Early (and bring pics!)

Last week, we talked about Google’s “micro-moments” and how a typical automotive shopper uses their phone or computer to move further in the purchasing funnel. As they learn more about the car they’re interested in, customer research gets more and more detailed. We’ve all heard the Google mantra, “Be there, be useful, and be quick.” But after reading this blog post, you may want to consider getting there early, too. Let’s talk about how showing up early in the online car buyer’s path to purchase (with helpful images & videos) might help you sell more cars.

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Voice search – is your dealership ready?


This week’s Wednesday Workshop should scare a lot of you… Seriously! Hardly anyone is considering voice search, and how the rise of non-typed searches will change the way people look for local car dealerships.

Have you thought about how you need to prepare for searches on Siri, Alexa, Cortana, or Google Home? Has your SEO provider thought about it, and started to prepare your site for the fast-approaching future of voice searches?

Watch this video and see why these questions are incredibly important to your dealership.
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Micro-Moments and Your Mobile Website


It’s no secret that the once-linear path to purchase has been fragmented with the advent of online shopping, but it’s been fragmented even further with mobile internet usage on the rise. In fact, we’ve said this before, but as of January 2017, nearly 50% of dealership website traffic was from a mobile device. That’s a lot. As per usual, Google has been working in their secret labs on what makes these mobile customers tick, and they’ve come up with 5 key “micro-moments” that happen in the average customer’s path to purchase. So let’s talk about these micro-moments and what your mobile website can do to deliver on your customers’ expectations.  Continue Reading

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