It’s time to change how you think about marketing. Shifting to a Demand Capture model is the best way to stretch your dollar and position yourself for the eventual recovery. We go over what that means and how you can start today. Continue Reading

People love making snap judgments. It saves us time. That’s why the old saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” is so true. Humans take one look at someone or something and make an immediate decision whether or not to invest any more time or money into it. When it comes to the increasingly important online world, that first impression is your landing page. Continue Reading

You’ve seen the plaques up at many a local business. On each one is a picture. The sun is bright, the grass is green, and two rows of kids, decked out in identical uniforms, smile for the camera. A simple black letterboard displays their team name. The plaque says something like “The Junior Eagles, Proudly Sponsored by” and then the name of the business you’re standing in.

When the world feels out of control, one of the best things you can do is pick a problem you can solve. You get the satisfaction of having fixed something and the utility of whatever it was you fixed. While you’re responsibly staying at home, it’s a good time to look at your website and make certain it’s humming along precisely as you need it to.
So here are five things that should be optimized so that when this is over, you’ll have the best website possible.