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Ali Amirrezvani

How to Import Dealership Contacts into Social Media Sites

One of the difficult parts of maintaining a successful social media marketing campaign is attracting the “right” people and getting your customers and prospects to interact with your dealership online.  While this won’t solve all of these problems, being able to find your dealership contacts in social media accounts is a start.

There is a pretty simple way to find your dealership contacts in social media sites like Twitter that I found while reading SEOptimise, an SEO blog from England.

First, export your customer list into a CSV file.  Below is an example of how to do this from Constant Contact. Since you’ll only need names and email addresses, go ahead and delete all of the other fields.  Also, make sure you delete those with no email address.

Using a Gmail account, import this CSV file.  If you create a separate group for these contacts, they will be easier to manage.

Now, log into your social media accounts (like Twitter) and search for contacts using Gmail.

How does your dealership help ensure you connect with your customers and prospects through your social media accounts?

Facebook Allows Ad Targeting by Zip Code

Until now, Facebook has allowed advertisers on their platform to target users based on age, sex, interests and location (country, state, and city).  In order to drill down even further, Facebook now allows users to target their ads by zip code as well.

When creating your Facebook ad, just add the zip codes that you would like to target.  Unlike Google AdWords, you can’t use a radius to target further, so make sure that you are including any zip codes from which your dealership could draw customers.

This is especially helpful for dealerships either in or near large cities. For example, if your dealership is located south of a major city, it may make sense for you to only target those in the southern zip codes of that city.  For dealerships in cities like Los Angeles or New York, targeting your ads by zip code, instead of broadcasting to the entire city, could save a lot of money and help bring in customers more likely to buy.

This refinement will also allow your ad to appear more often.  For example, if before your ad was being shown to everyone between the ages of 25-34 in Washington DC, and you can now limit that to show to those in one or two city zip codes, the average number of times your ad shows during your campaign should increase.  Your ad will be shown more times to a smaller, more targeted group of people.

As a side note, some data firms are noting that there may be discrepancies in the number of users Facebook is showing in each zip code when compared to census data.  According to CEO Rob Leathern, this issue isn’t exclusive to Facebook and should get more and more accurate as geographic, IP, and user reported data gets sorted and more refined.

Does your dealership use Facebook ads?  If so, are you going to test the ability to target by zip code to increase ROI?

"Optimize Your Online Presence" – Webinar Recap and Slides

Yesterday, our very own Amir Rezvani, VP of Performance at DealerOn, had the opportunity to lead a webinar with ResponseLogix.  For those that couldn’t make the webinar, I wanted to share some of the highlights from his presentation and provide a link to the slides and audio as well.

Amir provided a quick overview of how a dealer can immediately generate more leads, more appointments, and sell more cars without increasing the size of the internet team or increasing their marketing spend.  He also provided his thoughts on what areas of your online marketing to focus on first to generate the highest return on your time and resources.

First, the design of a dealership’s website.  The homepage should be clean and relevant.  Since most people read left to right, top to bottom, make sure you have an inventory search box in the top left corner.  Your specials should obvious and readily accessible on your homepage as many shoppers are looking for this information.

Dealers should also consider the length of their contact forms.  If it’s not information that your dealership needs to initiate a conversation with that customer, is it necessary?  Also, having incentives on your site has been shown to greatly increase conversion rates, so that is another option.

Amir then focused on how a dealer can get more organic search traffic to their conversion rate-optimized website.  He discussed some free website and SEO tools (due to time, he only got to some of these during the actual presentation) that a dealer can use to diagnose how well their website is performing:

  2. Rank Check Plug-in (

He also provided some tactics that a dealer can use to improve their SEO based on the keywords when they have opportunity to do so.

Amir really put on a great presentation (I know, I’m probably biased), and had a great time interacting with everyone who attended.  If you weren’t able to participate live, I hope you take some time to watch or listen to the video here.  In October Amir will be speaking at Digital Dealer in Las Vegas with Jeff Kershner on how you can Double your Internet Department’s Profit in 2012, so please add that to your schedule while there.

Thank you again to ResponseLogix and everyone who was able to join Amir on the webinar.

Google +1: Now in PPC Ads and Affecting Search Engine Ranking

I’ve been seeing the Google +1 button appearing on more and more websites since it was released a few months ago.  Recently, I’ve even seen it as an option for paid search ads.

If I perform a search while signed into my Google account, the +1 button appears as a part of the actual PPC ad.

This seems to be the exact same thing as giving users the ability to “Like” an ad in Facebook.  However, Facebook is built around the idea of social sharing.  You would “Like” an ad because of the brand or product it represents, knowing that your friends will see that you are a fan.  It seems like a shortcut of sorts for Facebook users wanting to share that they “like” something without having to leave the page they are on and track down the actual business page.

I’m not sure if many people use Google’s search engine in the same way.  Personally, I use it to find information, not to recommend a company/brand/product to my social circle.  If I were to click the +1 next to a PPC ad, my Google contacts would see that notation if they performed a similar search while also signed in.  Also, Google will show the +1 when the clickthrough URL for the ad matches a website that one of your friends has “+1”’ed.

Google makes it clear that the +1 button does have an impact on your organic rankings, regardless of whether they come from a PPC ad or your organic listing.  As long as the URL of your PPC ad matches the URL of the organic listing, +1’s will show on both results.  The company also notes that while +1’s will affect your organic search ranking, they will not change Quality Score or ad ranking.  However, the most important component of Quality Score is Click-Through Rate (CTR) and I suspect that the primary reason that Google is testing this functionality in PPC ads is that they believe (as I do) that when a user sees a +1 from a trusted source, they will be more likely to click on the ad—increasing CTR, Quality Score, and Google’s ad revenue.

What do you think?  Is Google trying to make +1 just like the Facebook Like button, or is there real value/usage for people clicking the +1 button on a PPC ad?

Keep Your Dealer Site on the Top of Google’s SERP

There are many reasons why your search engine rankings can drop, and unfortunately, many times car dealers are at the mercy of Google and the other search engines.  Google is earnest in their mission to provide the most relevant content to  their customers, so they provide tips and suggestions for how content providers can rank highly for their relevant terms.  Below are some things that could cause your car dealership website to be penalized or ranked lower by Google.  One incredibly valuable resource to keep tabs on your site’s Google performance and any Google-related website problems is Google’s Webmaster Tools.

Paid Links: While you can sometimes get away with buying back links to your site, it’s generally frowned upon.  Buying in bulk and paying for a link from a website with a high Page Rank will make you more likely to get caught and penalized by Google.

Back Links: While back links are a big part of SEO, they can also lead to penalties.  For example, having multiple links on your site in the wrong language, hiding links, and adding a large amount of back links to your site in a short period of time will all alert Google that perhaps these aren’t legitimate links.

Content: Google’s Panda update to their algorithm put additional focus on having quality, relevant content on your website.  This should be the goal of every site looking to achieve a high ranking.  Things like having low quality content, content pulled from other sites (duplicate content) and content that can’t be easily read by humans can lead to Google ranking penalties.  I have seen some of our customers’ competitors apparently get either temporarily black-listed or harshly penalized for having text hidden in an expandable text box.

Website Issues: If you block search engines robots from reading your site, you won’t get ranked.  Also, if many pages on your site have duplicate page titles and descriptions (for instance if each vehicle in your inventory doesn’t have its own unique page with unique title tag, URL, description, and content) Google won’t be able to rank each one individually.  Best practices are to have a dynamic XML Sitemap that reflects the content on your site.  Use Google’s Webmaster Tools to check that Google is downloading your Sitemap without issue.

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