If you’re doing the SEO for your own auto dealer website, it can be difficult to know where to focus your energy first. Here are the pages you should start optimizing first to get the most bang for your SEO efforts:
Main Navigation Pages: Your home page and those that have direct navigation from your home page (mainly your inventory) should be optimized since they are the ones potential customers are most likely to find. Also, if people are linking to your site, they are probably linking to your homepage or inventory pages. Back up these link “votes” by optimizing these pages to help their rank in search engine results.
Your Most Profitable Vehicle Pages: Help potential customers find the vehicles that bring in the most money for your dealership. Optimizing your more expensive cars and trucks, as well as your service and parts department pages will help interested buyers find these dealership website pages first.
Your Best Performing Pages: Which of your website pages provide your dealership with the most leads, highest time on site, and lowest bounce rate? Spend some time here to help interested customers find these pages in their search engine results
If you’re using a third-party SEO company, or your car dealership website provider is responsible, make sure you ask them which pages they focus the most SEO effort and energy. While each of your dealership website pages need to be optimized for search engines, make sure your SEO provider is paying special attention to the pages that will ultimately help your dealership sell more cars.