On January 19, an amazing team of DealerOn superstars descends upon Orlando and Digital Dealer 20.
- Will we have a booth? Heck yes, Napoleon
- How about speakers? How about 4!
- But for real, will there be a party? Oh, there will be a party
Our speakers are going to tear the roof off of Digital Dealer 20:
Greg Gifford – Tuesday, 1:30pm-2:20pm
How to Be a Local SEO Jedi!
“Let’s skip the basics and get deep into actual tactics for local SEO. I’ll walk through in-depth examples of exactly how to optimize both on-site and off-site signals to help boost your dealership’s local relevancy in Google. I’ll show you how to come up with ideas for awesome content, how to come up with awesome ideas to get local links, and how to clean up and build more citations. I’ll demonstrate the use of several vital SEO tools and leave attendees with a detailed but actionable roadmap for SEO success in 2016.”
Michael Devito – Wednesday, 8:30am-9:20am
Mobile Marketing in 2016 – Fish Where the Fish Are
“It has been almost a year since mobile search volume passed desktop search for car dealers. By 2019, mobile will account for nearly three times as much digital ad spending as desktop! If you haven’t changed the focus of your websites and online marketing to mobile, you’re already behind your competitors! Despite this seismic shift toward mobile, few dealers have a well-planned strategy for marketing to mobile consumers.”
Shaun Raines – Wednesday, 9:30am-10:20am
Stop Living On a Prayer With Your SEM: How to Turn Your Results Up to 11!
“Most dealers are currently using SEM as part of their digital marketing efforts, but most don’t really know if the results are actually good and if their money is being spent wisely. This session will cover 11 tips for high-performance SEM and teach you what to look for from those that are wasting your money.”
Jeff Clark – Wednesday, 10:30am-11:20am
Double Your Leads in 90 Days – Website Conversion for the Mobile Car Buyer
“The average dealer spends more than $10,000 a month to drive traffic to their website, but almost no time or money making sure those visitors eventually get to their showroom or service lanes.”
When your brain is full of great content, stop by Booth #401 to see our knowledge put into action and grab a demo of our platforms. Sitting down for a demo will give you a chance to walk away with a really cool BB-8 Droid. Talk about being the coolest person at your dealership when you come back with one of those.
And yes, our party will once again, be off the chain. Come by booth #401 for your invite. Here’s what you need to know:
Who: DealerOn and String Automotive invite you to an amazing night
Where: Mango’s, 8126 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819
When: Wednesday, January 20, 9pm – 12pm
Why: Because we love our dealers and hope everyone has a great time
Show specials? You bet. They will be offered to the good people that sign at the show. You don’t want to miss the deals only had by the lucky one’s who come by the booth.
As you can see, DealerOn really does have you covered at Digital Dealer 20, so make sure to stop by Booth #401 and “Let’s Get It On”.
Nice post! We will find more time to read on your previous webinars, we are eager to learn great things.