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DealerOn Auto Dealership Customers Win Dataium Website Performance Awards

By February 19, 2013Awards, Press Release

DealerOn, the premier automotive dealer website company, announces that two of their auto dealership customers have been awarded Dataium Website Performance Awards for January 2013.  Dataium uses various performance metrics collected from over 12,000 participating auto dealer websites to recognize dealerships and their website providers for their online performance.  Adamson West won Dataium’s most prestigious metrics-based award, the Auto Shopper Intensity (ASI) Award, for overall website engagement and conversion.  Another DealerOn customer, Nissan of South Holland received the Best Performance: Leads per Auto Shopper Award.

The ASI Award is based on Dataium’s proprietary ASI index used to measure auto shopper engagement, enthusiasm, and intensity by tracking the lead to visitor, returning visitors, lead to auto shopper, lead to search, and visitor to auto shopper ratios.  Adamson West won this award for January 2013, meaning that their dealership website ranked at the top of the ASI Index in the top five of each of the measured categories during that month.

Nissan of South Holland was awarded the Best Performance: Leads per Auto Shopper Award. This is given to the dealership website that has the highest percentage of auto shoppers submit a lead among those that use Dataium’s tracking code.  Auto dealer websites that are able to convert a high percentage of site traffic into leads have a better chance of selling cars to those that visit their dealership website.

DealerOn, Inc., the leader in online marketing companies serving the retail automotive industry, provides a full spectrum of online marketing solutions to auto dealership customers including car dealer websites, SEO, social media and online reputation management (including managed blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and press releases), paid search, and lead nurturing tools.

DealerOn has become noted for documenting (through Google Analytics and 3rd party CRM reports) an average increase of over 200% in lead volume for their auto dealer clients.  They proudly offer their new customers a Lead Volume Increase, Money-back GUARANTEE.  DealerOn has just announced that they are the first dealer website provider to roll out an A/B Split Testing platform, currently in limited Beta testing, and available to all DealerOn customers by the end of the second quarter.

These awards are based upon independent, unbiased analytics of dealers’ websites performed by Dataium, LLC. Dataium is the largest aggregator of auto shopper behavior and provides OEMs and thousands of dealers advanced website analytics.  Dataium is the only company providing multi-make/model data collection, analysis, and benchmarking.

By providing common, independent web metrics for all websites, Dataium is the first company to collect, translate, research, analyze, and report on shopper behavior across multiple automotive website platforms.  Dataium provides critical business intelligence and insight for their customers through the aggregation and analysis of consumer activity from across the Internet.

Author DealerOn

DealerOn, Inc. is a premier website and digital marketing company serving the retail automotive industry. In the last 12 months DealerOn’s websites have won virtually every meaningful industry award including: Driving Sales Top-Rated Website, Digital Dealer’s Overall Website Excellence Award, AWA’s Pinnacle Award, and Dealer Marketing Magazine’s Technology Award for Website Providers. DealerOn has become noted in the industry for their Lead Guarantee, based on their Digital Marketing Dashboard. Since creating this process in 2009, DealerOn has documented an average increase of over 200% in website lead volume for their auto dealer clients. To learn more about DealerOn’s Lead Guarantee, visit our website here.

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