Now that Google’s search engine update, Caffeine, is live everywhere, a lot of people have questions about how it will impact search engine results, and more specifically, what car dealers can do to better optimize for this update.
I wanted to answer both questions, so let’s start with how Caffeine will impact search engine optimization in general. Caffeine is an update to Google’s indexing system. In other words, Caffeine helps “all content (and not just content deemed ‘real time’) can be searchable within seconds after its crawled” according to Google’s Matt Cutts. Now that Caffeine is live, your web pages will make it from Google’s search engine crawlers to the actual search engine result pages more quickly.
The answer to the questions of what auto dealerships can do to better optimize now that Caffeine has arrived is nothing. Nothing, that is, that you aren’t already doing to optimize your car dealer website.
Word from Google is that this update to their indexing system doesn’t make any of the crawling, indexing, or ranking factors any more or less important than they were before. It does make content available in search engine results more quickly after being crawled by Google’s bots.
Auto dealership website search engine optimization (SEO) best practices still apply: proper keyword research, individual inventory pages, proper website structure, regularly updated content, and video optimization, just to name a few. If you have any questions about how to properly optimize your car dealer site for Google and other search engines, ask your SEO or marketing vendor for more information.