As an auto sales person, you want to see the results of your selling efforts as soon as possible. As a business person, you want to see the financial benefits of any money you spend as soon as you spend it. Business and sales tend to be focused on the here and now, and rightly so. Especially during this lull the sales volume of cars, waiting for benefits can be downright painful for your dealership. But it’s also necessary at times. In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), your auto dealership might have to wait to see the full results. Here’s why:
Search Engine Bots Take Time to Crawl: Most search engine bots don’t look for new content every day. If you’ve done an overhaul of your website and it’s content, it could take 3-4 months for each page to be indexed.
They Want to Make Sure You’re Legit: Even if your web pages do get noticed and indexed, the search engine algorithms want to make sure your dealer website isn’t manipulating your links. Over time, they’ve found that these black hat SEO tactics tend to be fleeting, while quality, meaningful links tend to stay on a website.
Gaining Attention Online Takes Time: A big part of SEO ranking is the quality and quantity of websites that link back to your site. It can often take a lot of time for a website to earn these inbound links.
This isn’t to say that you should wait indefinitely while your SEO company takes your auto dealership for a ride. Make sure your dealership has access to the analytics that demonstrate your gradual climb up the page ranks, and when the time comes, that you actually see results.