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Google Algorithm Q4 Updates: What Dealers Need to Know

Google Q4 Updates
Google Q4 Updates

Google has once again updated their algorithm, and as usual, they’re holding their cards close to the vest. Here is a list of some important pieces of the update they did make public that you should be aware of.

Google Q4 Updates

For context, these are “core updates,” which are “significant, broad changes to [Google’s] search algorithms” and are intended to “ensure that overall [Google is] delivering on our mission to present relevant and authoritative content to searchers.” In other words, they aren’t targeting anything specific, but are instead a generalized overhaul.

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1. Rankings will change

These changes don’t reflect any violation of rules. It’s just Google trying to dial in on delivering the most desired content for search terms. A page that rises or falls is simply being reassessed in light of new data.

2. Content is king

Google has always been clear about their focus on content and a lot of the algorithm tinkering is based around getting it to judge content the way a human being would. Remember E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Your content should strive for all three.

3. Updates are often

Google implements core updates once every couple of months, but because they’re so broad, it takes time. A website that loses rankings might not recover before the next core update.

4. Recovery is possible but not guaranteed

Improving your site after lost rankings is no guarantee that you’ll recover your previous position. However, doing nothing guarantees you won’t.

While these points are specific to this update, they are true of any of Google’s core updates. As we say over and over, SEO is a journey rather than a goal. Remember Google’s goals of getting the right websites in front of searchers and your site will be just fine.

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Author Justin Robinson-Prickett

Justin Robinsion-Prickett is a content writer from Los Angeles with over a decade of experience in the auto industry under his belt. When not working, he enjoys fencing, re-editing dialogue in old movies to remove articles, and playing with his two dogs James Westphal and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.

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