If you are an admin for your dealership’s Facebook Page, you should have received an email regarding an exciting update about the new layout and features available for your Facebook Business Page. Now, your dealership’s Facebook Page will resemble a personal profile, and allows you to interact through Facebook as your dealership. Here is an overview of what is changing:
- Notifications when fans interact with your page or posts
- A place to showcase photos along the top of your page
- A news feed for your page
- The ability to Like and post on other pages as your page
You can also find this information when you login and visit your Facebook Page. I strongly suggest you take the “tour” of the new features, and upgrade as soon as the platform will let you. Since everyone will be forced to make the change eventually, the more time you have to learn how to best leverage these new features, the further ahead of the game you’ll be.
Let me know if you have any questions about these new changes, or anything else regarding your dealership’s online marketing .