We had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the key members of our SEO Team, Darius Byrd. Darius is a SEO Manager at our Dallas location, and we had a blast discussing Search Optimization, anime, and what drives him to perform at his best.
What team are you on and what is your role/job title?
I am Darius Byrd, one of three Managers for the SEO team. I help make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible in our department.
How does your team/role contribute to the success of DealerOn?
We provide customers with a one-stop shop for their SEO needs. For some dealers we are the face of the company, as they have the most consistent contact with us.
What do you think makes DealerOn different OR what sets DealerOn apart from other players in the space?
A lot of other places just want to collect a check and not put in the work by building relationships with their customers. We deeply care for our customers here. In my time here I’ve worked with some of our other departments, and I can tell that they all want what’s best for our dealers.
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What do you like most about working at DealerOn?
The people. Over the five years I’ve been here, I’ve worked with some great people, including some of my best friends. We have a work hard, play hard mentality. They make coming to work enjoyable, even on days when the last thing I want to do is look at computer for eight hours!
What is a fun fact about you that people don’t know?
I have been running a successful anime clothing line called Be Devils Clan for the last three years.
I also won my 4th grade geography bee.
Who/What motivates you?
I would say my happiness motivates me. Making sure that everything I do adds something to me versus wearing myself out. The older I get the more I realize that having more money shouldn’t be my end goal. Though having more money is nice!
What are you passionate about?
This took a while for me to answer because at first glance I wasn’t sure what I was passionate about. Then I realized that I have lots of passions that bleed into my interests.
I’m passionate about the video game industry, anime, music (I used to have a music podcast called Bad Music Podcast), I guess entertainment as a whole. I realized that your interests can also be your passions and there’s not anything wrong with that!
We have a work hard, play hard mentality.
Who inspires you? (present day)
I would say my friends and family inspire me. I love seeing my friends achieve big things in their lives and that just makes me hungrier to do the same.
If you could meet anyone from history who would it be?
I’d love to meet Jackie Robinson and hear all the old baseball stories he would have to tell. He’s one of my favorite players and paved the way for Black players in the MLB.
Do you have any serious hobbies or interests outside of work? What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy playing video games and watching anime. I also like to eat in my free time, so I’m always out looking for new places to try and new things to cook. I also recently got into gardening, so I planted my first pot of flowers a few weeks ago that I hopefully won’t kill.
Do you have any unusual phobias?
I have way too many, but one of my biggest is walking on a bridge with people. I am terrified someone will push me over. Or that I’ll slip and fall and tumble off the bridge somehow.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
My answer changes every time I think about this, so in this instance I would want the ability to conjure up things like a witch or warlock. Wouldn’t need to go to the store ever again!