SEO is a hugely important part of your online marketing presence. In this week’s Wednesday Workshop we’re going to go over five great ways to improve your SEO.
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Welcome back to another Wednesday Workshop from DealerOn.
SEO is a hugely important part of your overall online marketing presence. That’s Search Engine Optimization and it’s the process of ensuring that your website is as close to the top of the results for any relevant search. Today we’re going to go over a few ways to improve your SEO. All the points that follow are just a few of the services that you can expect if you sign up for an SEO package from DealerOn.
Improve your load speeds.
Load speeds is the first impression your site makes on visitors, so make it a good one. 40% of them will leave if a site takes more than 3 seconds to load, and 80% of them will never come back. That’s a huge incentive to streamline your site and get rid of unnecessary bells and whistles.
Optimize your images.
This means that your images should be compressed to reduce file size as well as naming and titling them with descriptive keywords. These steps have the effect both of reducing load times, and telling the search engine what’s on the page, both of which will positively impact your SEO. DealerOn optimizes all images that go into our site design.
Fix any broken links.
Your site’s broken links are mainly going to come in the form of VDPs to inventory that’s already out the door, as well as deals and coupons on the same. At DealerOn, we keep our clients’ sites updated so that this is never a problem.
Optimize your site for mobile devices.
Most web browsing is done with mobile devices, especially smart phones, and this is a trend that has only increased in recent years. Google takes this into account when determining rankings, and it’s a good idea to have your site look good on what your customers are using. DealerOn’s sites are responsively designed and optimized for every device, meaning no matter what your customers use to get to your website, they’re always getting the best experience possible.
Stay active on social media.
Specifically, you want your customers to share their good experiences at your store. Positive reviews and photos are best. If your customers are sharing your links and posts, your social audience grows which further expands your organic reach.
That’s all the time we have for today’s workshop. As always, if you have any questions or comments, leave them below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks for watching. Go to to schedule your free SEO demo today.