There are always classes in school that make you wonder, “When will I ever need to know this?” For me, that class was English. Have you ever needed to know when to use a past participle, or what a homonym is? Neither have I…but the more I write and get involved online (conducting business via email, writing this blog, participating in online social networks), I have begun to realize that while I may not need to know the definitions of these grammatical terms, I definitely need to know how to use them accurately.
Using correct spelling and good grammar are becoming more and more essential to running a successful business. It’s amazing how much of a blow to your credibility and professional image it can be when a potential customer reads an email with misspellings or incorrect grammar. Put yourself in their shoes…two vendors are showing you similar products, but one doesn’t speak well and their emails have spelling errors…which vendor are you more likely to choose?
I never paid much attention in English, and wish now that I would have. While the written word is not my strong point, I’ve found ways around this. I use a spell-checker every chance I get, both in my word documents and in my emails. I have co-workers look over and proofread almost everything I send to customers or potential customers. Some things do slip through the cracks, and when they do, I go back and fix them when possible (blog, social networking), or make a point to learn from my grammatical mistake. Nobody’s perfect, after all.
Whether you’re already a stickler for grammar, or lean a little more to the “alternative spelling” side, not utilizing all the tools available to ensure your spelling and grammar are correct could be costly to your dealership’s sales. Whether it’s fair or not, using correct English gives your potential customers confidence in doing business with your auto dealership and helps build trust that they are choosing the right place and salesperson to buy from.
What tools do you use to help check your spelling and grammar? Any tricks of the trade that work well for you? Let me know—I can always use more help!