How to register for and attend a DealerOn webinar
The very best in e-Learning for the Automotive Industry. Our continuing education webinar series will include help on important subjects that Dealers need to compete and succeed in the Automotive Industry today. We will bring you quality content presented by industry leading experts every week – accessible to you from the convenience of your home or office. So check back often. We’ll be adding and updating these webinars regularly with timely and relevant topics.
1. Register
Select the webinar from the list and enter your contact information as indicated. That’s it. You’ll immediately receive a confirmation email with all of the information about that upcoming event. You’ll also get an email reminder 1-day and 1-hour before the event. Our free weekly webinars are always held on Thursdays at 9am PST/12 Noon EST and typically last an hour or less. If you cannot make it for the live web event, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Register anyway and a link to download the webinar recording will be emailed to you the moment it is available.
2. Listen
Use the VoIP option to listen from your computer for free or call in with the phone number and code in your confirmation email.
3. Get Involved
We strive for our continuing education series to also be fun and interactive. So get involved: in the webinar Q&A, through our social media discussions, on the blogs, etc. We want to know how we’re doing….and what we can do to help you more. So tell us what you think and give us ideas for future webinar topics that matter to you. Your feedback makes all the difference.