DealerOn’s Lead Accelerator is an Incentive Management System that roughly doubles the number of leads that an auto dealer website will typically deliver to a dealership. When a potential customer visits your site, they will be presented with an offer of your choosing. For those not interested, they simply close the offer, and continue to view your dealership site. These visitors will then be presented with your offer as they leave your website, giving them another opportunity to claim the offer. Once a website visitor claims their Lead Accelerator offer by simply submitting their name, email address, phone number, and shopping status, they will be given the chance to schedule a test drive. Our clients have found that up to 40% of consumers will opt to schedule a test drive when given an additional incentive to do so. Typically, most dealerships will double their initial incentive to persuade customers to visit the dealership, though this is fully customizable.
Double Your Leads
Lead Accelerator has been proven to roughly double the number of leads that a typical auto dealer website delivers.
Not a Popup
Lead Accelerator is not blocked by browsers or popup blockers, helping to ensure your customers see the offer you want them to.
Fully Compatible
Your dealership can benefit from Lead Accelerator, regardless of the website vendor you currently use.
Why Lead Accelerator Works
Lead Accelerator is not a popup, and thus is not blocked by browsers. Your dealership can update your offer in real-time and implement it immediately. Capture leads when they arrive and as your customers leave the site by providing a secondary offer. Lead Accelerator is fully compatible with the majority of major dealership website providers.
How Lead Accelerator Works
When a visitor comes to your dealership’s website, Lead Accelerator is prominently displayed. The coupon provides the customer with 2 options, both of which are clear and simple – “Get the Special Offer” or “No Thanks”. If the customer chooses to take the offer, they fill out the shortest, most user-friendly lead form in the industry – gathering just their name, phone number, email address and shopping status. If the customer clicks on “No Thanks,” they simply continue to view your car dealership’s website.
When those that decline the initial offer leave your website, Lead Accelerator will give them an additional opportunity to submit their information after viewing your inventory. Lead Accelerator gives your dealership website two very compelling, proven lead generation tools for all your website visitors.
Lead Accelerator continues to help you sell cars even after you’ve received your leads. Every submission is immediately prompted to schedule a test drive to receive an additional incentive and is presented with information about the car they expressed interest in.
Leads that schedule a test-drive are sent an email reminder for their appointment, giving them the option of confirming or rescheduling, informing you of their decision either way.
Get started with DealerOn
Let’s talk about doubling your leads with DealerOn’s Lead Accelerator. Don’t worry about popup blockers, just the results.