BTS: A Real-World Test

DealerOn has long been known for providing the highest converting dealership website platform available. Our relentless pursuit of continuous improvement in conversion is driven by continued testing and following where the data leads us.

This scientific approach to improvement is applied throughout the platform, including to our many lead generation tools that enhance and extend your DealerOn website’s natural conversion advantage.

The scientific method requires that advances be challenged and tested again and again. We recently conducted such a test for a Ford dealer who challenged us to prove that our lead enhancement tools like BTS (Behavioral Tracking System) created meaningful improvements in conversion. Never ones to shrink from a challenge we did exactly that, using our A|B testing capability to test a version of their website with the lead tools enabled, and a version of their website without the lead tools. We then compared those results against a benchmark of results from March, the month prior to the test.

The Results

The first column below is the benchmark performance for the website for the month of March 2019. For various reasons, we then ran the test with the 2 versions of the website from April 19th, 2019 to May 19th, 2019, The second and third columns in the table below are the results for the test period, first for the Control (no lead tools) and then for the Test (with lead tools). The results were pretty definitive— the lead tools generate better conversion— way better:

Leads Generated

From April 19th, 2019 to May 19th, 2019, we ran benchmark performance tests on two versions of DealerOn websites. The control version with no lead tools saw 68 leads, while the test version (with lead tools enabled) saw 168 leads&mdash a 69% increase in leads generated.


Increase in Leads Generated

Conversion Rate Test #1

From April 19th, 2019 to May 19th, 2019, we ran performance tests on two versions of DealerOn websites. In our first conversion rate test, the control version of the site with no lead tools had a conversion rate of 1.25%, while the test version (with lead tools enabled) had a conversion rate of 1.25%&mdash a 70% increase in conversion rate.


Increase in Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Test #2

From April 19th, 2019 to May 19th, 2019, we ran performance tests on two versions of DealerOn websites. In our second conversion rate test, the control version of the site with no lead tools had a conversion rate of 4.58%, while the test version (with lead tools enabled) had a conversion rate of 5.44%&mdash a 19% increase in conversion rate.


Increase in Conversion Rate

Boost Your Leads Today!

DealerOn lead tools, especially BTS, add huge value to your DealerOn website. Not using lead tools? Call today and we can help!

Schedule My Demo!


DealerOn, Inc is a premier website & digital marketing company for auto dealerships, known for excellent, personalized customer service and its Lead Guarantee program, which guarantees dealerships a lead increase by at least 50% no matter their current provider. Since its introduction in 2009, the Lead Guarantee has delivered an average lead increase of 200% over the prior provider for DealerOn dealerships.