Recorded on May 11, 2017 - 12:00 PM Eastern

From Inbound to Opportunity – How to Maximize Your Inbound Call Handling

Bill Wittenmyer Partner at ELEAD1ONE

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We all know that consumers are increasingly turning to cell phones for research and engagement.  Mobile search and click-to-call technology enable consumers to dial directly from Google and dealerships across the nation are experiencing an influx of inbound calls as a result. However, according to a recent IHS Automotive analysis, today OVER 84% OF A DEALERSHIP’S INBOUND SALES CALLS ARE NOT CONVERTED TO A SALE. That is a staggering number of unrealized opportunities!

With competition at an all-time high and sales margins tightening more and more each month, no dealership can afford to ignore their inbound call handling.


Join this eye-opening 1 hour webinar as industry expert Bill Wittenmyer of ELEAD1ONE will share strategies to improve inbound call handling performance and convert valuable phone leads into appointments.

Attendees will learn:

  • Tried and true inbound strategies for handling calls effectively
  • Proven professional communication skills that build trust with callers
  • How a Virtual BDC backstop can help scale up performance immediately 
  • Heavy-hitting conversion strategies that get appointments…and so much more!

If you are ready to maximize those inbound calls and turn them into strong opportunities, then this is a must-see presentation you simply can’t afford to miss! Register now!

PRESENTER: Bill Wittenmyer is a partner of ELEAD1ONE, the leading dealership software provider in today’s automotive market. Bill has over 20 years of experience in the automotive space and currently oversees multiple divisions within the organization, including Sales, Marketing, OEM relationships and Large-client accounts. Prior to joining ELEAD1ONE, Bill spent several years in the automotive retail space holding various retail positions in operations management. Highly regarded as a dynamic and motivational speaker, as well as an industry leader with non-traditional views, Wittenmyer speaks at several prominent automotive forums each year and contributes to top news publications and television business shows that reach industry business leaders across the U.S. Bill can be reached at BillW@eleadcrm.com.

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